Busting the myths
Caroline adds, “There are a lot of myths around lifting or not lifting and the default position is that ‘we have a no lift policy, so we don’t lift people of the floor’. Under a ‘no lift’ policy however, it is still acceptable to encourage someone to get themselves up off the floor if they can do so. The bigger challenge is to decide to lift using a piece of equipment provided in the household, for example a hoist. So we thought adding an assessment and a Lifting cushion would be just as acceptable.
The next issue was to determine if Doris Jones is insured to lift using their own lifting equipment.
“I spoke to our insurers who agreed that with comprehensive staff training, supervision and equipment maintenance we are covered for this activity.
“It has been a very logical and deeply thought out process. Our findings clearly indicate that lifting someone from the floor,using the appropriate assistive equipment, is completely safe and effective for our elderly clients in their own homes or gardens. I am almost kicking myself thinking why didn’t I do it before?
“It’s perfectly safe. It’s perfectly doable. It’s perfectly trainable. It’s perfectly insurable.”
“I was just as much tied up in the myth that home care companies don’t pick people up off the floor and even spoke about this when I’ve done manual handling training in the past. Then the ISTUMBLE health assessment tool comes along, and it’s changed my thinking. Our policy is now ‘lift safely with the right assessment and the right equipment’.