AVON HYBRID (previously the Yorkshire)

AVON HYBRID (previously the Yorkshire)

The NHS is under constant pressure to improve the quality outcomes of patient care, particularly the prevention of pressure ulcers. It is essential that clinicians not only undertake a full holistic patient assessment but also consider the financial constraints that organisations may be experiencing, with the necessity to monitor expenditure concerning equipment provision (Oliveira et al, 2017).
Pressure ulcers not only have financial implications for healthcare but also greatly impact a patient’s quality of life, resulting in extended periods of immobility (Jagannathan and Tucker – Kelly, 2016).
Working in partnership with clinicians,, combining technical know-how with manufacturing excellence, the Avon Hybrid delivers effective pressure relief, to support good nursing care for patients with the most complex of needs, including patients who choose to smoke in bed, where dynamic surfaces are contraindicated.


Provides optimum dynamic positioning by minimising tissue deformation and facilitates blood flow by fitting, matching and adapting to the shape of an individual through Dry Flotation Technology®.

Helps to protect against pressure ulcers by allowing the individual to be immersed into the surface for maximum pressure redistribution while decreasing friction and shear using soft pliable cell material.

Helping to keep patients who choose to smoke in bed as safe as possible, where powered dynamic surfaces are contraindicated, the Avon Hybrid can be upgraded from a crib 5 to a crib 7 cover and used in combination with fire prevention strategies.



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